Friday, 18 May 2007

Luscious Lemon Cake

I wanted to come up with another name for this, just because it is so good. Any suggestions are more than welcome. The naughtier the better, as far as I'm concerned.

"What makes this so good?", I hear you ask. Well, where do I start? It's a basic victoria sponge recipe as the base, and I used four lemons. Yup indeed, four lemons. Some in the sponge, some in the glaze for the top, and some for the filling. I'm not telling you what the basis is for the filling, but I can tell you it's not sickly sweet butter icing. Oh no sirree, it's much more special than that.

"What will you change in this one then?", is the next question. Nothing. Nada. Diddley squat.

You see the photograph below? I took that in the middle of writing this. I brought that slice with me to the computer and couldn't stop myself eating the whole thing before I'd finished this blog entry.

Blowing my own trumpet? You betcha. I'd pay for this food. Would you?

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Carrot Cake

So I've made the first cake. As if you haven't already guessed it's a carrot cake. It's a recipe I borrowed from James Martin, as it happens. Go on, have a drool.

You can't have any.

Okay, well on first taste it's friggin gorgeous. What I love about this recipe is it's not too sweet. What usually puts me off carrot cake is the sickly topping, and I have to say this is by no means sickly but could do with slightly more icing sugar. It is, however, a bit too runny.

I never thought I'd say this, but for once I believe the addition of pecans isn't necessary. It also needed slightly longer cooking in our oven, and I know it won't dry it out because it was beautifully moist.

Right, so a few adjustments to make but I still adore James Martin for this scrumptiously finger-lickin' take on an already tasty classic. And for the cake.

The freezer test is ongoing. If it doesn't freeze well, no one else is getting any of this. Ever.

Monday, 14 May 2007

The reason

Boredom has prompted me to do something at least vaguely productive with my time. I'm not claiming to be funny, intelligent, insightful, or otherwise. I'm just bored.

'Witchetty Grub' is an idea created for an annual pagan camping event, at which there is very little to eat other than burgers, bacon sarnies and pre-packaged flapjack. Over the next two months I shall be trying out some recipes, hopefully getting them just right, and making family and friends fat in the process. Far be it from me to try and fatten up others whilst leaving myself out of the loop. I don't need any help to fatten up, but it will only be polite to keep the other poor blighters company. Or, that's my excuse.

Watch out for the first experiment in full-fat cakey goodness.