Sunday, 8 July 2007

At least dreaming about it is less fattening

Right, first I'll say that it is completely normal for me to dream something ordinary, or very strange, and then to remember it the next day. For example, the night before last I dreamt that I was filming a movie alongside Johnny Depp. Not only was the movie in the bizarre Twin Peaks style, but so were all the crew, everyone's interractions, the situations in which we all found ourselves, both on and off-camera. I do feel it necessary to add that I was Johnny's favourite, and that he made this quite clear to everyone else. Mmmmmmm.......

.....(pause for flashbacks and very large sigh).....

Now, I am very much aware that the above dream is purely that - a dream. I don't watch soap operas and think they're real. Neither do I fantasise about movie stars and believe they really really love me even though we've never met. I'm also aware that I'm more likely to cycle to the moon wearing a chicken suit whilst singing "I'm a little teapot", than to meet said movie star. More's the pity.

With all of this in mind, this week I will be creating a brand new cake. It will be a wonder to behold. It will be completely and utterly my creation. It will be deliciously dark, whilst at the same time humongously heavenly.

I had a dream last night and it's about to come true.....

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