Saturday, 14 July 2007


Right, first off I haven't forgotten about the 'Dreamcake'. Oh no. Fear not, for the making of Dreamcake (that is now its name and shall remain as such forever and a day..... as long as it tastes nice, obviously) started last night and will continue later today. I will, of course, post the results complete with photos this time!

Yesterday I bought some Tofu. The last time I tasted tofu I was doing 'A' Level Home Economics (yes, I'm old enough to call it Home Ec!). It was tasteless rubber, despite being marinated for a week in everything I could find in the cupboard. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'So if it was tasteless rubber why did you buy it yesterday?' Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?

It was reduced from £1.89 to 9p. I kid you not. Can you tell the majority of blood that runs through my veins is scottish?

So, I bought 2 (count them - 1....2) packets of 9p tofu, stuck one in the freezer, and this morning have curried the other. Tomorrow, if I'm still kicking and screaming, I'll tell you if it tasted of anything, or whether the tofu tasted of nothing but the sauce was rather nice.

I'll also post piccies of the Dreamcake and try not to drool on my keyboard.

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